Tuesday, 25 April 2017

GBW - An Introduction

Welcome to the site/blog of the Gert Bristol Weekender, or GBW!

This has been set up to allow us to get out more information than is practical via the website of CouchSurfing (CS), the community that spawned the event.

For those not familiar with CS, go out and Google it - there's a lot of info out there, and we're not going to put across our own take on it here, as that's not the purpose of this site.

What the purpose is, is to provide additional information for those planning on or considering attending one of the "weekender"/camp/invasion/gathering events organised by the Bristol CS community - these currently are referred to as the Gert Bristol Weekender, but have occurred under other names (e.g. GraffitiSurfing, Balloonacy) in previous incarnations.

The aim of these events is generally similar - to invite other travellers from the international hospitality/sharing community to visit and see/enjoy our home.  To this end, we organise a collection of events over (typically) a 3-day "long weekend" period, and try to keep the cost as low as possible (preferably free) for all events - there are obviously additional activities that can cost money, but we try to offer a free alternative whenever possible.

So, what are you waiting for?  Wait, you want more info?  Okay, take a look at a few of our other posts...

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